The translation of article from
"The Messengea of Lattma"
2 August 1961
In the past couple of days Maranola has witnessed a continuous group of American sailors, chiefs, the Chaplain and one other officer. These people have been working in the local orphanage, Madre Raffaella, which is the home of about 40 needy children. The orphanage was founded by the local Archbishop, Monsignor Ruggiero.
The sailors of the destroyer, Laffey, anchored in the waters of Formia, have faithfully carried out a promise which they made two months ago, thanks to the interest of our (the Italian peoples) friend, Italian-American, Doctor Rocco. The sailors returned after seeing the conditions at the orphanage during their first visit to Gaeta. The ship had the highest commands of NATO changed in order to modify their schedule, to permit a short four day visit to Formia for the purpose of painting and repairing the orphanage. The Americans have been noted for the goodness of their souls and this has been shown to us by the affectionate and spontaneous enthusiasm displayed at the orphanage.
While writing this article, the Chaplain and other good voluntary workers are busy doing a last minute cleanup on the spaces which they have worked on for the past four days. These people have worked until late hours, without pausing, in order to finish up the work which they had first planned. The Chaplain pre-arranged all work at the orphanage. He placed himself in the middle of the men doing both difficult and menial tasks. The Chaplain was not the only officer who worked on the project. Commander Tazewell, Captain of the ship - changed into his work clothes and dedicated himself to painting and repairing the orphanage.
Later this evening the Reverend Don Ruggerio will arrive at the orphanage and will dedicate his day to the men who are putting the final touches on their job,
And not enough today! Today the technicians of the ship placed on the patio of the orphanage a swing set and see-saw which was constructed by them on the ship.
This work has been a true benefit for the orphanage. The crew displayed "The American Unity" as they felt that the orphanage was in great need of this urgent project. The help they gave to this less fortunate orphanage was signified with humanity, brotherhood, and sincerity. Nobody has been left doubtful of the nobility of these sailors souls.
"For the motive, all the Marolonese citizens have greeted with much kindness the work of the young sailors: - together with the Formian citizens, a closer relation was brought about between the citizens and the mayor, and Commander Tazewell, his officers and crew."
Mayor Aprea Told Minister Foichi that the men of the Laffey did the work at the orphanage in fraternal and Christian spirit. The Minister told the people assembled in the Church of Saint Anthony of his (the Ministers) personal regard to the Captain, officers and men of the Laffey. He also said that the work done by the men of the Laffey is unestimatable.
Mayor Aprea gave the ship a painting of ancient Formia done by Professor Siccurezza, a fellow citizen of Formia. The beautiful painting was give a place of honor in the officers quarters.
Today the Captain gave Mayor Aprea and Monsignor Ruzziara a representation of the ship's seal (The Captain also explained the history of Laffey one and two) as a token of his sincere friendship with the people of Formia and Maranola. This ship is now in the U. S, Sixth Fleet helping to guard the Mediterranean. "In a sense the Laffey's name is the same as Formia's name as it says in our seal -Post Fata Resurgo - (rebuilding after destruction.)
Tomorrow at 8:00 the ship is leaving Formia for Livorno to rejoin the rest of the fleet. After Livorno, the ship will return to the United States but will return to our sea in about one year. Then maybe, when they return, we will be able to again meet a few of the men that did so much for the orphanage.
"However, let us never forget with deep friendship, Captain Tazewell. the Vice-Captain Ross, the Chaplain Lieutenant Hahn, Perrotti, Robinson, Marcinko GM I /c, the Sicilian-American Faudale RMSN, the sailor Doolittle, who will be imprinted always in our memory. Although we find their ship and instrument of war, we will always forge a bond of human friendship and good will towards the Laffey and its crew. Today the Mayor, the Community Council, Monsignor Ruggiero, the sisters of the orphanage, Doctor Rocco, and the children will have to bid goodbye to the Captain, to the officers and to all that have in these past few days sacrificed money, time and rest for the accomplishment of a wonderful project. Their modesty and intentions were noble and sentimental."
We also will confess, this evening something within us. We have said thanks from the children of the orphanage at Maranola. Minister Fault and Mayor Pare wish peace; peace for all; because only with peace the world can profit from demonstrations like the project at Maranola.
Lutrario, Reporter
by J.A. Faudle, Jr. RDSN and J.M. Papaleo, SN
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