The wedding of  Ivelisse and Skip Hudson

On April 2, 2005, Skip Hudson and Ivelisse were married in Columbia, South Carolina. 
The wedding took place in one of the oldest homes in South Carolina (1806).

Skip is an unusual young man who has adopted our ship and we, in turn, have adopted him.
He has attended many of our work parties and intends to continue with this tradition as long
as circumstances allow.  He is the ideal worker.  Unlike most of us, all of his time on the ship
is spent working.  There are even rumors that he will bring Ivelisse to the next work party. 
If this is true, we will have to brush up on our manners and etiquette!

The pictures are courtesy of Walt Harrington - the official communicator during our work parties.
He and his lovely wife, Marj, represented our Association at the wedding.


They have been pronounced


Skip with Walt Harrington


The bride with Marjorie Harrington


I hope she continues to take care of him this way the rest of their lives


At last

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